Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the 2008 IEEE International Symposium
on Industrial Electronics (ISIE?08), to be held in the famous city
of Cambridge, Great Britain, between 30th June - 2nd of July
The conference paper submission system (web based) is now open and
the call for papers along with other information can be found on
the conference website at:
Your contributions, presenting original work, are expected in the
form of regular papers, special session papers, Student Forum
papers or tutorials, by the deadline of 21st October 2007.
Proposals from potential Special Session organisers are also
expected by the same deadline, addressing more specific topics
within the general scope of the conference. Please check the
website for the list of topics and Call for papers.
There are 6 main tracks of the symposium:
- Power Electronics and Power Converters
- Electrical Machines and Drives
- Control Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Instrumentation,
Signal and Image Processing
- Mechatronics, Robotics and Telecommunications
- Power Systems and Renewable Energy
- System Integration and Industrial Informatics
The conference will be hosted by Robinson College, of the
prestigious University of Cambridge, situated in wonderful garden
surroundings, within walking distance of the City Centre. 270
rooms are available at the conference venue. The conference
banquet will take place at Chilford Hall, a beautiful Vinery just
outside the city.
So, we look forward to seeing you in Cambridge next year!
Kind regards,
Marcian Cirstea and Carlo Cecati
IEEE ISIE 2008 General Co-Chairs
14-19 June |
FIG XXXI General Assembly and Working Week Contact: FIG Office, |